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StoRIES holds its fourth project meeting on 1 June 2023 in Nicosia, Cyprus

The fourth StoRIES project meeting was held on 1 June 2023 at the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia and gathered more than 40 participants both online and in person. This meeting succeeded the first edition of the StoRIES Summer School, which took place at the same location from 29 May to 1 June, entitled "REPowerEU and the need for energy storage in Europe”.

The project meeting started with updates on the progress of the project by the project Deputy coordinator, Myriam E. Gil Bardají.

The work package leaders presented the progress of the StoRIES project, including WP1 - Set-up a research and industrial hybrid energy storage ecosystem, presented by Ivan Matejak (EERA), WP2 - Transnational and virtual access to world-class research infrastructures, led by Olga Sumińska-Ebersoldt (KIT), WP3 - Enabling breakthrough research and innovation across the whole value chain led by Roberto Scipioni (SINTEF EN), WP4 - Supporting the transition towards a climate neutral continent presented by Manuel Baumann (KIT) on behalf of the work package leader Marco Ferraro (CNR), WP5 - Dissemination and exploitation led by Adeola Adeoti (CLERENS), WP6/WP7 - Project coordination and management/Ethic requirements presented by Alexandra Lex-Balducci (KIT).

The rest of the meeting was dedicated to discussing the main upcoming activities within the framework of the StoRIES project, such as the Roadmap and SRIA led by Roberto Scipioni (SINTEF EN), the upcoming Workshop #2 on “Setting up a common base for environmental, techno-economic and socio-economic assessment to unlock the potential applications for hybrid ES systems” presented by Manuel Baumann (KIT). Venizelos Efthymiou (FOSS University of Cyprus) was invited by the StoRIES consortium to give a presentation on the EIRIE Platform, including insights on its objectives, target groups and value prepositions. The project meeting was concluded with some encouraging words by Stefano Passerini (Sapienza University of Rome/KIT), coordinator of the StoRIES project.

We look forward to our next project meeting, which will be held alongside the workshop on “Setting up a common base for environmental, techno-economic and socio-economic assessment to unlock the potential applications for hybrid ES systems” (in the framework of WP4) on 5-6 December 2023 (Please save the date) in Vienna.

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