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Interactive Workshop: Setting-up a common base for sustainability assessment to unlock the potential

StoRIES Workshop

6th December 2023 at the Austrian Institute of Technology. Giefinggasse 2, Vienna

On 6th of December 2023, as part of the StoRIES project Work Package 4, an interactive workshop titled Setting-up a common base for sustainability assessment to unlock the potential applications for hybrid energy storage systems took place at the Austrian Institute of Technology in Vienna.

The goal of the Workshop was to define and prioritize sustainability impacts and related key performance indicators (KPIs) for energy storage technologies and to identify hybridization potentials within different application fields. For this, an interactive decision support tool (Helmholtz MCDA Tool) together with group discussions was used in order to engage stakeholders and to find a common understanding of KPIs and their importance. 

In total about 45 participants from across Europe, including the 7 organizers from KIT and FZJ participated at the workshop. The participants interacted with a pre-defined multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) model for assessing sustainability of energy storage technologies for short-, medium-, long-term applications in order to explore potential combination for different technologies and applications. The participants shared their experiences on the active discussion on the following aspects:

  • First, individual validation and weighting of proposed sustainability KPIs for different energy storage applications.

  • Second, discussing in small groups the weights of KPIs and provision of weights that represent the group discussion. In addition, the criteria set was discussed and new criteria were proposed

  • After that, results were presented and discussed to show participants how their input influences the model.

  • Finally, different use cases of further interest were presented and preferences of participants for the selection of the same were collected. Here, also additional proposals could be proposed by the participants.  

The Helmholtz MCDA tool allowed to elicit the individual preferences of involved stakeholders via online surveys and to directly visualize the ranking results for a selected set of energy storage technologies for different stakeholder groups. The results from this workshop serve as a base for sustainability assessment of energy storage technologies and hybrid energy storage (HES) systems in different TRL levels. 

This series of workshops is driven by several pressing needs in the HES research, including:

  • a need for a better understanding of the optimal storage portfolio;

  • a need for a better understanding of the operating environment and the incentives for companies to invest in energy storage;

  • a need for comprehensive modelling of multi-scale energy storage technologies to bring an understanding of the value of storage technologies in achieving carbon-free or high renewable power systems and addressing interdisciplinary aspects;

  • a need for harmonization of the different methodologies and tools to assess the technical and socio-economic performance as well as environmental impacts of the energy storage technologies;

  • a need for robust and accessible primary data for technical, socio-economic, and environmental aspects of energy storage technology assessment procedures (e.g. LCA, LCC and s-LCA).

This was the second workshop out of three (read more about the first one here). The last Workshop of this series will take place at the end of 2024.

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