EC Test
Electrochemical energy storage
Chemical energy storage
Electrochemical energy storage
Chemical energy storage
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)
TRL Level:
1-3, 4-6
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The department of Energy Conversion and Storage at DTU is operating electrochemical research laboartories fully equipped with gas and temperature control. It includes electrolysis test rigs for low temperature water electrolysis and high temperature electrolysis (steam and carbon dioxide).
Single cell test high temperature, solid oxide cells (550- 1000 C, H2O/CO2/H2/CO ambient pressure and elevated pressure up to 25 bar
Stack test High temperature Solid oxide cells, (550- 1000 C, H2O/CO2/H2/CO ambient pressure
Single cell test alkaline electrolysis (ambient temperature, water feed)
Single cell test AEC (elevated temperature and pressure, water and steam feed)
Impedance analysers attachable to the test rigs including open source impedance analysis software (Elechimea, DRT, Differecne plots).
The current services offered by the EC test infrastructure are:
Standard test under a clearly defined range of conditions (Temperature, gas atmospheres and pressures).
Test cover quasi steady state performance tests
Durability studies
Dynamic testing by impedance spectroscopy to identify performance limiting processes on cell and stack level.
Data analysis can be combined with the imaging and structural analysis infrastructure ( for structure-performance relationships), but also provided independently.
The services are applied in research projects to identify independent component behaviour failure modes, and also to investigate new materials and cell concepts. Standardised test, e.g. Round Robin tests and other procedures e.g. as part of pre-normative research have also been carried out in particular projects. Selected projects having used the infrastructure are:
BALANCE, H2020 (2016-2019). Increasing penetration of renewable power, alternative fuels and grid flexibility by cross-vector electrochemical processes.
TERRA H2020 SPIRE, (2015 – 2019) Tandem electrocatalytic reactor for energy/resource efficiency and process intensification.
SynFuel Innovation fund Denmark (2016-2019). High Temperature Co-electrolysis of CO2 and water for methanol synthesis
EEEHy Innovation fund Denmark (2017-2021), Efficient and Economic Electrolytic Hydrogen production by using advanced elevated temperature and pressure alkaline electrolysis.